
Reasons to use CGI in your next campaign

A CGI can help you tell your brand’s story exactly the way you want to. CGI is behind that glossy print ad for expensive face cream or the TV commercial for a sleek new car. As a marketer, how can you use CGI to create your own “blockbuster” campaigns – without breaking the bank?

CGI is not reserved for advertisers with big budgets. In fact, using CGI to create killer ad campaigns can cost less than traditional photo and video shoots.

If you have not started using CGI for your campaign here are a few reasons to use CGI in your next campaign:

#1. Usually costs less than a photoshoot

But, if for some reason you were not happy with the result of the final images, you would have to book a reshoot, with additional costs and administration as a result.

One of the prevailing notions about CGI is that it is expensive. Like all things, it depends on what you compare it to. The traditional way to prepare for a product launch was to book a photo or a video shoot. This would provide you with great images of the finished product.

Using CG Imagery, you can re-shoot the scenes as many times as you like.

By using CG Imagery instead of traditional photography there is no longer a need for flying in all these white goods from all over the world to build an expensive set-up, as it can all be created digitally. CGI is better from both an environmental and cost point of view.

In other words, CG Imagery can replace high-end photographers, large crews, and set pieces – in many cases at a fraction of the cost.

#2. Mass Customization

There are other factors than just cost when it comes to considering CGI. Many industries are moving towards more frequent, global product releases with more customized products and design options than ever before.

Nike has a similar number of options with its Nike-id. These trends make it almost physically impossible to photograph every product, product feature, and product variation for a global campaign.

#3. Creative Freedom

How do you show all the strong features of a product by taking a picture of the exterior? How would you present a product if there were no limitations?

For example, how can you handle range worries on an electric car? Tesla has solved this by using CGI to create interactive simulations online. The only limit of what CGI can depict is your imagination.

To put it in another perspective, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then CGI can write a short novel.

#4. Even better than the real thing

CG Imagery does not require a large production team and you are not restricted by location, weather, and other conditions. This can all be handled virtually. With CGI, the sun shines for as long as you want it to. All aspects of the product like lighting, materials, and location can also be fine-tuned or exchanged on the fly.

Reach out to know more about how Leons Digital can help you in your next project.